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Empire Medical Training

about empire

What makes our
programs Unique.

One of the best ways to evaluate a company is to watch real video testimonials from attendees. Judge for yourself. These are not just testimonials either but clips from the actual training as well, check it out

You can also read actual evaluations written by attendees at the various courses.

175,000 physicians graduated

Our History

Empire Medical Training graduates more Physicians and Health Care practitioners compared to any other organization and remains the number #1 CME provider for Procedure training in Non-Surgical and Surgical Aesthetics, Anti-Aging/Functional Medicine, and Interventional Pain Management having trained over 175,000 practitioners since 1998. We are a Physician-Led, “medical” organization with a focus on providing the highest quality live patient training courses working with Preeminent, highly sought-after Physician trainers willing to share their knowledge and expertise so that you can learn the same skills that has facilitated their success.

University Style Curriculum: Empire has consistently offered more classes and more training options for practitioners than any other program in the United States. Much like a University, Empire’s training is expansive, offering more than 45 different classes and topics in Aesthetic Medicine, Anti-Aging, and Interventional Pain Management. Empire provides courses from beginner to the most advanced topics. To meet the increasing demand for Empire’s unique brand of training, Empire offers more than 700 live workshops each year, in cities throughout the United States as well as Canada and South Avmerica. This is in very sharp contrast to other competitor course offering, as they provide limited training in Botox, Fillers, and Threads.

Empire Class
Empire Staff

Renowned “Celebrity” Physician Trainers: Empire works directly with more than 40 of the nation’s recognized top Plastic Surgeons, Dermatologists, Pain Management Physicians, Internal Medicine, and many other top of their field physicians who are recognized for their specialty excellence in their communities as the best, go-to physician practitioners. Learning something new, especially highly complex and technical procedures that carry a level of risk for the patient, requires learning from physicians who have the experience, knowledge, and the ability to effectively teach. Unlike many institutions, our training courses are NOT taught by only a few instructors or non-physicians. Instead, Empire provides participants with a variety of highly credentialed, highly successful “Physician Only” instructors who are practice owners who have achieved incredible practice success.

Specialized Training Options: Empire is the only training organization to offer additional, more “specialized” options for training than any other educational organization. In addition to the more than 700 live workshops offered each year around the country at resort hotels, Empire is proud to offer training at our state of the art “Centers of Excellence” training centers, also located throughout the United States. The instructors are “celebrity” status physician trainers. Participants enjoy very personalized training as these workshops are limited to 8 participants. Empire offers a full complement of course options for those seeking specialized training – everything from specialized VIP training, In-Office Preceptorship, Shadow Preceptorship, “Meet the Experts” Aesthetic Consortium Series, and the Empire’s annual signature event – the Empire-Aesthetics-Meeting™ (EAM20™). “Methods of Training.” These are just a few examples of how training with Empire gives you the most flexibility in your training decision. Read more about Empire’s specialized “Methods of Training”

Empire Course Team
Empire Memberships

Member Benefits: The Empire Medical Training Membership model provides practitioners with the most comprehensive and cost-effective educational options. Empire’s membership model is considered the most iconic method for training among the medical community. The different membership plans allow practitioners to attend up to 45 courses at a single-cost option and is price-sensitive to the competition who may charge the same for two courses, compared to our option to attend all 45 courses offered. Moreover, beyond attending these courses, Empire provides unbeatable Empire Member Benefits - from significant discounts on aesthetic products (like neurotoxins and fillers), to receiving free tickets to special events, access to the member portal which houses needed consent and treatment forms, and important training tools, and additional business collaterals.

Another pride-filled benefit of Empire membership is entry into Empire’s expanding network of more than 150,000 Empire trained physicians and physician educators, representing the medical and aesthetic medicine industry. Empire members are also provided with a unique opportunity to access a variety of vendors, manufacturers, compounding pharmacies, and other important components in the industry. Empire’s Vendor Partnerships are powerful. Empire vendors are motivated to support members, providing them with early access to the newest technologies and innovations, while providing members with special pre-negotiated pricing on specialty supplies.

Why Choose Empire Medical Training?

Our Certification

Empire Medical Training works collaboratively with the American Academy of Procedural Medicine (AAOPM) to prepare Empire students for Board Certification in Aesthetic Medicine, Anti-Aging, Weight Management Medicine, Pain Management, and Surgery. American Academy of Procedural Medicine (AAOPM) is a distinguished board certification that is highly valued. It is recognized in education and with all regulatory agencies, insurance companies, and aesthetic manufacturers.

The American Academy of Procedural Medicine, the organization who provides Board Certification Pathways, also recognizes Empire Medical Training. Empire programs are required to fulfill the attendance requirements necessary for Board Certification.

Board Certification

Our Administrative Staff

How about speaking with a “live” representative for a change? You will not be forwarded to a voice mail system answered by the company owner’s wife. Our staff alternates taking “call” past 8pm EST, 360 days out of the year. Each of our administrative staff is knowledgeable in ALL the 35 courses in order to help you understand your best option for training.

Our administrative staff also ensures that all educational materials such as training manuals and handouts are up to date and correct. This is the “behind the scenes” team that is credited with implementing quality workshops for you.

empire facts

Staff & Testimonial Videos

Our Physician Advisory Board

Our remaining faculty comprises our Physician Advisory Board. The PAB’s main role is to provide innovation and safety for all our training programs. Something that is impossible for part time, individual trainers. Empire has the resources to provide the highest level of training and newest educational techniques.

With the ever-changing dynamics of Aesthetics and Medicine, it is easy to fall behind. It is only possible to stay current if you are working on staying current all the time! The PAB also serves as the regulatory group overseeing quality control measures for each workshop provided and training manuals distributed. Our Advisory Board can be contacted at any time with concerns or questions about specific training events.

Dr. Stephen Cosentino
Stephen Cosentino,

Founder and President of Empire Medical Training, Inc

Dr. Azza Halim
Azza Halim,

Physician / Anesthesiologist

Dr. Monica Kieu
Monica Kieu

Reconstructive Plastic Surgeon

Dr. Shino Bay Aguilera
"Shino Bay" Aguilera, DO

Dermatologist, Dermatologic Surgeon

Dr. TJ Tsay
TJ Tsay,

Board Certified Emergency Medicine

Dr. Gregory Buford
Gregory Buford,

Plastic Surgeon

Dr. Anne Roberts
Anne Roberts,

Board Certified-Internal Medicine

Our Teaching Staff

Empire is not a part-time organization that offers weekend programs as a side job to a full time medical practice.

Empire’s teaching staff is a separate group of highly credentialed, renowned physician practitioners. Of the 50 associated professional instructors employed by Empire Medical Training, 38 are board certified in specialties such as Plastic Surgery, Pain Management, Dermatology, and Internal Medicine and many other specialties. Empire Medical Training physician faculty comprises the very best in their field and have extensive clinical and teaching experience.

The distinguished Empire Medical Training faculty members are chosen based on their academic excellence as well as their documented experience in clinical medicine and teaching experience. Our Physician partners are sought after speakers in the Aesthetics industry and recognized also for their demonstrated success in the individual practices. Workshops are also taught by other non-physician specialists who provide vital information related to the topic or workshop presented. Some of these specialists include Certified Professional Coders (for specific Medicare related topics), Anatomy Professors (for the anatomy portion of the Pain Management Program), Marketing Specialists, Laser Technicians (to help during the laser demonstration portion of certain workshops) and other instructors who contribute their specialized knowledge and information to further help with your education. Below is only a partial listing of our faculty.

Dr. Azza Halim
Azza Halim, MD

Physician / Anesthesiologist

Dr. Ramtin Kassir
Ramtin Kassir, MD

Plastic Surgeon

Dr. Monica Kieu
Monica Kieu, DO

Reconstructive Plastic Surgeon

Dr. William Croley
William Croley, MD

Multi-Specialty trained Aesthetics' Physician

Dr. Shino Bay Aguilera
"Shino Bay" Aguilera, MD

Dermatologist, Dermatologic Surgeon

Dr. TJ Tsay
TJ Tsay, MD, MS

Board Certified Emergency Medicine

Dr. Gregory Buford
Gregory Buford, MD

Plastic Surgeon

Dr. Anne Roberts
Anne Roberts, MD

Board Certified-Internal Medicine

empire guarantee

Our Guarantee: Empire is proud to be the only
CME company to offer this unique guarantee.

1- Empire-Wow-Refund-Guarantee™: Empire is so confident participants will be happy with their experience and decision to attend an Empire course that Empire offers an unrivaled 100% money back guarantee and travel reimbursement .After 21years in business, Empire’s guarantees remain unmatched. Students are invited to retain the books and course materials as Empire’s gift.

2- Empire-Wow-Satisfaction-Guarantee™: After completing training, if participants feel uncomfortable performing the new procedure, Empire will arrange a 1-Day Preceptorship at one of our Centers of Excellence at no additional charge. Participants will work one-on-one with one of our teaching faculty in their office perfecting the techniques learned at the course.

empire company

A Word about our competition.

For one, we never bash our competition as is done so commonly in the industry. WE welcome the competition, in fact as the old adage goes, “Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery,“

What makes Empire unique and different is that we guarantee our services and we have the resources to provide the quality training that we do. It takes more than a fancy website to provide the level of training that has been sought after for 21 years.

Empire Philanthropy

We care, we support

Peru Christmas Charitable Fund.

empire philantropy

In 2019, Empire Medical Training and Rx Medical Web launched a new annual charity to support many of the impoverished families living in small villages in PERU. Empire will continue this support each year during Christmas time and plan to extend this support on a regular basis throughout the year as well. It is often difficult to begin a project like this for anyone, sometimes it’s best to just begin somewhere and help. We acknowledge that our charity is not a recognized, charitable organization for which your tax dollars may be deducted, however, our dollars are still helping this group of people. Soon enough, we will have the legal structure and entity so that our supporters are able to properly deduct their donations. In the meantime, we thank you for helping us bring a very happy time last year and for the years to come to these families in PERU. Last year this group of families was very surprised and happy for this event we provided. They are looking forward to a similar experience, and our team will make sure this happens.

For last year’s contribution, we would like to thank all the donors to our charity. Our supporters are mostly Empire Medical Training workshop attendees, and we truly appreciate their generosity and caring nature.

In addition, Empire recognizes the outstanding financial support from our friend and donor, Thomas Zazarino for his generous contribution to the Per Christmas Charitable Fund. Empire also recognizes Tom Mastanduano from Master Pharm of New York for his generosity.

In Peru, Christmas is fairly similar to celebrations held in the United States and Europe, when many families get together, celebrate and exchange gifts. Families generally eat turnkey and east Pane-ton (a cake/bread filled with fruits) and drink hot chocolate. In the week preceding Christmas, it is also popular for communities, churches or charitable organization to organize “Chocolatadas” where people who make a Christmas gesture to poor children and families by offering them a cup of hot chocolate, food and perhaps small gifts.

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From attendees

Empire WOW Guarantee™: Tuition Refund and Price Match Assurance

EMT WOW Guarantee Refund Icon
Empire WOW Refund Guarantee™
If our course isn't the best you've ever attended, we'll refund your tuition*.
EMT WOW Guarantee Price Icon
Empire WOW Price Guarantee™
If you find a similar course at a lower price, we'll match it—guaranteed*.
EMT WOW Guarantee Hands On Icon
Empire WOW Satisfaction Guarantee™
If you feel you didn’t receive enough hands-on experience, we’ll let you retake the course at no additional charge*.

*Restrictions Apply.

Certified Plaque Empire

Board Certification Pathways

The American Academy of Procedural Medicine offers Board Certification Pathways for Physicians in Aesthetics, Anti-Aging, and Pain Management. Call today to find out how to get your Certification Plaque FREE.

Get Board Certified