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Injectable Facial Contouring Fillers, Combination Therapies, and Adjunctive Facial Injectables for Complete Facial Makeover

Do you know what celebrities do to achieve and maintain their enviable youthful and beautiful appearance? At Empire Medical Training, not only do we know but we are sharing these specialized, high demand procedures with you in our new hands-on training program! And, we provide instruction in proprietary techniques that can be found no other place by here at Empire.

Aesthetics is now at a turning point with techniques so effective and specific that we can use specialized biostimulating dermal fillers, along with PDO Threads and other products synthesized from your own blood, to target areas and boost collagen production to restore a youthful appearance in a more natural way.

With Empire’s Collagen-Boosting Facial Fillers Program®, you will learn how to use Hyperdilute Calcium Hydroxylapatite (Radiesse©) and Sculptra™ (Poly-L-Lactic Acid) along with a combination of other Biostimulators, PDO Threads, and Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF) to produce extraordinary facial cosmetic enhancements, such as treating shallow to deep nasolabial fold depressions and other facial wrinkles with long-term collagen formation with results lasting up to two years, and with a low side effect, risk profile.

Calcium Hydroxylapatite (CaHA) is used in its traditional dilution to create the immediate filling effect in specific areas, including the Cheek, Nasolabial fold, Jawline, Nose. And now top Aesthetics specialists, trained in the proper techniques and applications, are using these products in a hyperdilute preparation, hyperdiluted CaHA, to create additional cosmetic enhancements.

Poly-L-Lactic Acid (PLA) was first introduced in 2004 for the treatment of facial lipoatrophy associated with HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) patients. The brand name “Sculptra Aesthetic” received FDA approval in 2009 as a volumizer for soft tissues for aesthetic conditions. Sculptra Aesthetic is used when bone volume loss and facial ligament laxity is indicated and is well known for its collagen producing effects. Utilizing hyper-diluted Sculptra safely allows for large facial areas to be treated and enhanced without the risk of side effects associated with normal Sculptra injections.

This new combination modality is most effective for collagen biostimulation creating more collagen and elastin (an underlying cause of aging), tightening skin, overall facial rejuvenation, acne scars, and other skin irregularities.

The result is a younger looking face with tighter, healthier looking skin and a more defined, contoured jawline. These treatments have been used in Europe for many years but have only recently been discovered in the United States, and now are widely used and performed by top U.S. Aesthetics specialists.

Calcium Hydroxylapatite (Radiesse©) received FDA approval in 2006 for treatment of deep depressions in the nasolabial folds. More recently it has been shown to be effective as a biostimulator for collagen production. Cell regenerating fillers such as Calcium Hydroxylapatite (Radiesse©) are now known to stimulate your body’s cells to produce more Type 1 Collagen, which is the component responsible for having firm and youthful looking skin. Unfortunately, we lose this kind of collagen (Type 1) as we age, losing more than half of this collagen when we are in our 50s.

It has been recently discovered that Calcium Hydroxylapatite and Poly-L-Lactic Acid has cell boosting capabilities as a bio stimulating filler. It has always been used to replace volume in the face but only recently have Aesthetics Physicians become more innovative and are now using hyper-dilute Calcium Hydroxylapatite and Poly-L-Lactic Acid for stimulating collagen.


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Collagen Boosting Biostimulators - Course Overview

collagen boosting training cheeks

Collagen Boosting Biostimulators

Hyper-dilute Calcium Hydroxylapatite (Radiesse©), Sculptra™ (Poly-L-Lactic Acid) and other biostimulators are a significant breakthrough in Aesthetics because of the significant immediate and long-term benefits that can be achieved for your patients (including a favorable safety profile) due to the extraordinary effects achieved with collagen production.

When combined with other biostimulators, PDO Threads, and Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF) the results are dramatic and highly sought after by discerning patients who have researched the technology and understand its usage and benefits.

When these collagen boosting medications are hyper-diluted and injected into the neck and other areas using cannulas, it creates immediate and long-lasting results by correcting crepey skin and stimulating collagen production for long-term effects.

Patients can expect to see tighter skin, a more defined and chiseled jawline, as well as other cosmetic enhancements including enhancing lip and smile lines and treating the “mottled” looking chin.

Hyperdilute Calcium Hydroxylapatite, Poly-L-Lactic Acid, and Solid Filler Smooth PDO Threads are the newest modalities you can add to your armamentarium of Aesthetics procedures. These products, when combined with microneedling and PRP, produce a significant facial enhancement for your patients because you are treating the underlying tissues as well as the skin surface. Biostimulators combined with PDO threads replace lost collagen and provide results that can last up to two years!

Empire Medical Training’s Collagen-Boosting Facial Fillers Program® 2021 is looking better and better thanks to superb Aesthetics training from Empire Medical Training expert physician educators who know the latest treatments and proprietary modalities for bringing new youthful luster to a discerning Zoom-savvy patient.

Learning to inject Hyperdilute Calcium Hydroxylapatite (Radiesse©) and Sculptra™ (Poly-L-Lactic Acid) requires specialized knowledge in the technique as well as understanding the different dilutions, and how to process your patient evaluation. The Empire Medical Training course provides training not only in the hyperdilute biostimulators, but also how to combine this procedure with other modalities that with achieve the maximum benefits for your patients.

Hyperdilute Calcium Hydroxylapatite (Radiesse©) and Sculptra™ (Poly-L-Lactic Acid) coupled with PDO Threads (a solid filler) are the most effective biostimulators for maximum collagen and elastin production. Empire Medical Training is proud to work with our celebrity Physician trainers. Spearheading this program is W. Christopher Croley, MD, Empire’s Director of Aesthetics. Beyond sharing his in-depth knowledge of the technique using correct protocols and methodology, participants will benefit from learning his specialized proprietary methods that deliver the greatest results for his patients in his Aesthetics Medicine practice.

Many of these trainers have developed proprietary methods for using these specialized techniques such as by adding PRF (platelet rich fibrin) to the biostimulators in a specific manner. During this program you will learn their highly successful proprietary “formulations” as well as methodologies so you can integrate this new procedure into your Aesthetics practice.

collagen boosting training - face

Collagen Boosting Biostimulators

Collagen Boosting Biostimulators Training

  • Learn how to prepare your patient for a comprehensive, full-face makeover treatment using a combination of hyper-dilute Calcium Hydroxylapatite, Poly-L-Lactic Acid, PDO Threads, and PRF.
  • Gain a full understanding on how to perform a full-face cosmetic evaluation with the objective of volumizing the face using biostimulators and PDO Threads to create the most “natural” overall appearance and relay these expected results to patients.
  • Learn appropriate preparation (dilution, combination) of injectable bio-stimulant fillers for facial makeover treatments and adjunctive treatments (combination therapies) to optimize results.
  • Acquire the skills to hyper-dilute biostimulators, learn proper technique for facial injections through interactive learning methods. Understand how to perform (inject and place) PDO threads in combination with biostimulators and PRF or PRP.
  • Review all protocols, guidelines, and correct injection technique for placing Hyper-dilute Calcium Hydroxylapatite, Poly-L-Lactic Acid, and PDO threads into the face, in different areas and for different outcomes.
  • Review and learn the specific indications for injections with Hyperdilute Calcium Hydroxylapatite (Radiesse©) and Poly-L-Lactic Acid (Sculptra™) including contraindications and best practice methods for achieving the most desirable outcomes.
  • Learn the most valuable Aesthetics Pearls from a talented team of Physician trainers. Empire Medical Training trainers are experienced in their specialty, working daily perfecting their skills, techniques, aesthetics know-how. (They are not retired or inexperienced physicians.) The instructors leading this course (and all Empire courses) are highly experienced, well known in their field, and are Aesthetics practice owners.  
  • Gain a thorough understanding of the specific techniques for injecting into the nasolabial folds understanding how to approach each patient based on the severity and depth of the NLF.
  • Review pre- and post-procedure care, patient instructions, learn treatment protocols for dealing with the most common complications. Granulomas may develop as a complication when using dermal fillers, however, it is a more infrequent complication involving hyper-dilute Hydroxylapatite (Radiesse©) and Poly-L-Lactic Acid (Sculptra™).  Managing and treating complications as well as learning proper methods to avoid unwanted side effects and/or poor outcomes is also covered in detail.  
  • Learn specific techniques using cannulas and needles for all procedures involving Hyperdilute Calcium Hydroxylapatite (Radiesse©), Poly-L-Lactic Acid (Sculptra™), and PDO Threads .
  • Learn specific techniques for creating a well-defined, chiseled jawline in both male and female patients, and understanding how to approach each gender with their own special considerations.
collagen boosting training - eyes area

Collagen Boosting Biostimulators Training

Upon successful completion of Empire’s Collagen-Boosting Facial Fillers Program®, attendees will have grasped the following concepts:

Learn techniques involving the neck and chest (décolletage).

  • Understand the science behind the different Dermal Fillers and the significance of selecting a filler based on its G prime and other characteristics.
  • Learn the most pertinent anatomical considerations with special attention to the various fat compartments and how these compartments affect the overall contour of the face.
  • Gain an understanding on how different fillers affect the integrity of the various fat compartments and how to decide which filler to use for each fat compartment.
  • Review the most pertinent anatomical considerations with regards to the neurovascular bundles and a focus on understanding how to avoid incorrect placement of a needle or catheter.
  • Learn complication avoidance techniques with a special focus on anatomical landmarks and from pearls from our Celebrity Physician trainers.

Frequently Asked Questions

This training caters to MDs, DOs, DMDs, DDS, NPs, RNs and other licensed healthcare professionals.

A board-certified physician expert will teach this course, with other licensed healthcare professionals assisting where needed.

Certainly! For those outside the United States, injections on anatomical models are an option; however, you will not be allowed to inject on a live patient.

Each state has its own regulations concerning live patient injections. Kindly consult your licensing board to determine if you’re permitted to administer injections.

Body Contouring Injectables Training - Agenda

time description
7:45am–8:00am Registration
  • Speaker Introduction
  • Review pre-requisite video for Collagen Boosting Biostimulators for Facial Contouring
  • Overview of procedures to be performed during the hands-on session
  • Questions & Answers
  • Hands-On Sessions
  • Small group breakout sessions with live patients for demonstration of PDO Threads, hyper-dilute Sculptra® and hyper-dilute Radiesse® injections for facial areas and neck area
  • Attendees will have the opportunity to participate in the procedures performed during the demonstration at the discretion of the instructor

DISCLAIMER: Agenda listed above is for reference only and may be subject to change. The final agenda will be emailed to you a few days prior to your course. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact our office at 866-333-6747.

All COVID-19 precautions in accordance with updated CDC Guidelines as well as adherence to the safety policies of Empire Medical Training is a requirement for the hands-on training. Patients or Volunteers utilized during the hands-on session are required to fill out and agree to the policies before the session as well as adhere to the CDC Guidelines in place.

As part of our ongoing efforts to provide the best training available including the safety of all participants for the Collagen Boosting Biostimulators for Facial Contouring Training, Empire Medical Training is requiring all registered attendees to view the video educational videos prior to their attendance. The successful completion of our video-on-demand or virtual training is a requirement to participate in the hands-on element for certification. Empire is also offering a number of other videos such as procedure videos, advanced injection demonstrations, and other educational videos as part of your learning experience. All participants will also receive access to our library of educational materials concerning the Radiesse® and Aesthetic Sculptra® injections for various indications which is also recommended prior to the clinical portion of your training.

Empire further recommends to download the color manual prior to viewing the pre-requisite video which includes the following topics discussed:

Benefits of Collagen for facial applications

  • Treatment areas such as lateral temporal fusion area of the forehead, glabellar area, décolleté, and other sensitive areas of the face.
    • Neck rejuvenation and concerns related to skin texture and laxity— fine wrinkles, crepiness, acne scars, and saggy skin.

Supplementing Collagen for facial applications through injectables:

  • Radiesse® Non-HA Filler: Hyperdilute Radiesse® allows for new areas of injection to different areas of the face where HA dermal fillers or non-HA fillers would be contraindicated - usually injected by cannula.
    • Procedure is appropriate wherever you have loose, lax, fine wrinkles or volume loss - lasts approximately 18 months with 2-3 treatments.
  • Aesthetic Sculptra® (PLLA - Poly-L-lactic acid): Increase collagen for deep area tissues to replace volume loss and rejuvenates texture.
    • In a hyper-dilute form, Sculptra can be used safely in the same areas as Radiesse® across the face and neck. Lasts approximately (2) years after a number of treatments maintenance of the results are achieved by additional treatments annually.
  • PDO Threads: Used for various facial areas such as the NLF, eyes, forehead, and temporal areas - can be a stand-alone procedure or in combination with injectable HA or non-HA dermal fillers.
  • Review of Microneedling and Microcannulas
    • Combination Therapies for collagen remodeling
    • PRP facial rejuvenation therapies

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