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PDO Thread Lift Training Certification Course - Level I & II

Thread Lift procedures have now exploded throughout the Aesthetics industry, on Instagram, and, is akin to Botox® injections as the number one sought after, non-surgical cosmetic procedure. The millennial patient is the prime candidate for the new “Cats Eyebrow or Thread Lift” as their unwavering determination to look like their favorite actor (actress) is steadfast. PDO Thread Face Lifting has been regarded by Plastic Surgeons as a significant advancement in Aesthetic Medicine and is effectively replacing surgical procedures in many cases involving facial rejuvenation as well as anti-aging procedures involving the neck and body. Trained practitioners, such as Physicians, Nurses, and Dentists, may now offer their patients a safe, effective alternative to surgery.

How can a Physician, Nurse, Dentist, or other health care practitioner receive advanced training on the new “Cats Eye Brow or Thread Lift”?

Empire Medical Training is proud to offer certification classes and advanced training on all thread lift procedures including the newer “Cats Eye Brow or Thread Lift”. Empire offers comprehensive training, from beginner to the most advanced levels of training.

Interested in learning some of the newest, most in-demand, Aesthetic procedures? With our comprehensive classes in PDO Threads, practitioners can learn an entire new menu of Aesthetic procedures involving rejuvenation of the face, neck, and body.

With PDO Thread Lift Training, practitioners can offer procedures such as the Midface Lift, Neck Lift, Jawline Contouring, Décolletage Filling, Cheekbone Shaping, Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty, Tear Trough Volumizing, Laugh Line Filling, Abdomen and “Belly”, Submental Tightening, Lip Flip Technique, and Acne PDO.

Check out the detailed description and full menu of services along with suggested pricing you can use in your med spa or Aesthetics’ practice

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Empire remains the most sought-after educational organization for Thread Lift Training and has already certified thousands of practitioners. The training is unbiased, evidence-based training provided by Top Physician Instructors. Unbiased training is ideal to help you decide which thread product is most suitable for your practice, while also learning the benefits and differences between the various thread products currently available.

Our certified curriculum was developed in coordination with nationally sought-after speakers and educators, Christopher Croley, MD., Shino Bay Aguilera, MD., Azza Halim, MD., and other board-certified specialists. Each are master injectors and expert in PDO Threads and combination therapies.

Empire Medical Training divides the Thread Lift Training workshop into two sections based on the category of Aesthetic Threads. The two main categories of Aesthetic Threads are, Smooth Threads and Lifting Threads, and your training will be divided in the same way, level 1 is Smooth Thread Training and Level 2 is Lifting Thread Training. You can understand based on the name that Aesthetic Threads function in different ways. Smooth Threads are essentially intended to stimulate collagen and are great for Facial Rejuvenation. Lifting Threads provide more of an “anchoring” effect and provide lifting to different tissue structures.


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Workshop Includes

Hands-On Icon


Perform techniques on a live patient during your practice session.

Specialized Group Training Icon

Specialized Group Training

Practice stations are organized into groups to facilitate peer-to-peer technique exchange.

Pre-Course Videos Icon

Pre-Course Videos

Explore didactic training covering anatomy, product expertise, prevention of complications, and more.

Live Q&A Icon

Live Q&A

Receive answers to your medical questions from our faculty of board-certified industry experts.

Workbook Icon


Get your vibrant, full-color workbook with ample space for note-taking throughout the course.

Empire Certificate Icon

Empire Certificate

Receive a certificate of achievement to signal your completion of the course material.

Medicines Icon


Injection training products are included in course (e.g., botulinum toxins, dermal fillers, etc.)

Coffee & Tea Icon

Coffee & Tea

Awaken gracefully with these complimentary brews.

*Based on course requirements.

Success Stories

Witness the inspiring firsthand accounts from Empire students, demonstrating that with unwavering determination, success is not only achievable but inevitable.

Prerequisite Training Provided: Prior to attending either program (or both, they are offered consecutively) you are provided with a complete set of home training materials that covers much of the Thread Training didactics and include HD Training Videos supplied to you on the Practitioner Portal, along with a complete set of written protocols and other instructional material. These materials are provided immediately upon registration. Using our “hybrid” training method, practitioners are afforded maximum time for Live In Person Hands On Training.

Upon completion of the didactic portion of the training you attend the Live Patient, Hands On Training where you will receive thorough training in all the techniques and procedure skills. You are required to demonstrate proficiency on volunteer patients who require a variety of different Thread Lifting and Smooth Techniques. Empire’s thread training program has set the standard of care for learning these procedures and trains thousands of Physicians and other health care practitioners each year, more than any other teaching organization.

pdo thread lift training images

Students learn thread lift protocols and technique

PDO Thread Lift - Level I

Uniquely Qualified Physician Instructors: Our renowned physician-only faculty have an established reputation in the aesthetic community and are sought after speakers and KOLs (key opinion leaders). The training is provided by Physician Specialists with countless years of experience performing Aesthetics and specifically Aesthetic Threads, who will share their intimate knowledge and Pearls they have acquired from their years in practice. You will learn proprietary and specialized techniques that our Physician trainers have developed and utilized in their own Aesthetic practices and med spas. Beware of trainers or teaching organizations with less qualified instructors, Empire has RE- TRAINED thousands of practitioners over the past 23 years who needed “retraining”.

Using threads as an alternative to a facelift has become one of THE most lucrative aesthetic procedures relative to the investment in time and product. The average fee for a thread procedure starts at a minimum of $400 , and practitioners can charge upwards of $3,000 depending on the areas and complexity of the case.

During all thread lift classed, we highlight FDA-cleared PDO sutures, FDA approved threads, and product still undergoing the FDA approval process. The products utilized in the Empire courses represent the latest and greatest and form the foundation for learning a standard of care for this revolutionary treatment for skin tightening and lifting in transforming the V-shaping of the face.

THREAD LIFT             

  1. Practice and perform PDO Thread Lift procedures competently, safely, and effectively for their patient, personalizing and tailoring these services to the individual patient’s needs and desired outcomes. Each participant will learn how to avoid risks, pitfalls, complications, and adverse events to increase overall care and patient results.
  2. Apply generally accepted protocols and latest literature concerning the selection, placement, and volume of PDO sutures for optimal results for patients. Learn the proper guidelines for the placement of PDO sutures for aesthetic patient indications for correction, as well as administration issues (i.e. patient intake forms, informed consents) and the corrective measures for follow up including possible complications or adverse events associated with the procedure.
  3. Identify the mechanism of action of PDO sutures and basic facial anatomy, differences between the product characteristics and areas of injection, managing expectations, administration of the medical device, and post treatment care for follow up after the PDO Thread Lift procedure.
  4. Assess who is a candidate for the PDO Thread Lift procedure, patient benefits, and anatomical areas that PDO sutures are acceptable for treatment. Increase patient awareness and offer enhanced patient care in relation to the PDO Thread Lift procedure and their desires aesthetically.
  5. Receive training in the anatomy covering the entry points, anchoring points, landmarks, zones of adherence, and relevant structures that will be integral for the injection technique. You will learn specific protocols and a step by step method for the indicated anatomical areas to safely perform this technique.

Additional Features of PDO Threads for Aesthetic uses:

  • No incision needed, the sutures do not need to be knotted down for the patient.
  • Safe procedure requiring only 30 minutes
  • Small amount of local anesthesia needed
  • No swelling or bruising typically.
  • Quick recovery time.
  • Immediate results to face, neck, and body areas.
  • Neocollagenesis and retraction of skin tissues where placed.
  • Excellent results up to 16 months.
Thread Lifting provides immediate results - Before After Photo

Thread Lifting provides immediate results

Dr. Azza Halim

What are PDO Threads?

PDO stands for polydioxanone which is a suture similar to surgical stitches. These threads, when placed beneath the skin will stimulate collagen synthesis which will plump the skin like a dermal filler. In some ways, PDO threads are similar to certain dermal filler techniques in their desired effect. In addition, threads work by “grabbing” onto, and attaching to the skin, lifting loose skin in the direction the surgeon has precisely inserted the thread. “Thread lifting” has two main functions: to increase collagen synthesis similar to a dermal filler, and to lift sagging skin by direct physical and mechanical means. The “mesh” of threads shapes the face by lifting and supporting sagging structures. These threads are absorbable in 4-6 months but will hold for an additional 8-12 months.

There are many different kinds of threads with different shapes, some with barbs, twists, some that are smooth, and others that are meshed. During all levels of training, attendees will gain a thorough understanding of each of the different products and how to use them.

For more FAQ's about PDO Thread Lift visit our PDO Thread Lift Training FAQ's page

Certification Training: This thread lift training program is comprehensive, combining both detailed didactic presentations with thorough hands-on training for all qualifying, licensed practitioners.

During the training, each practitioner is supervised for approximately 30 minutes while they work on a patient from start to finish. This is not only an integral part of the training but, is part of the proficiency testing required for certification.

Students will learn the techniques associated with both types of PDO sutures (barbed and smooth suture option) as well as perform hands on training using live patients. In addition to the dedicated one on one hands sessions, you will be able to watch and learn from others, including a pre-operative assessment of other patients. This is more than just the “see one, do one, teach one”, you will leave this class with sufficient practice and hands on exposure to gain a good level of confidence. Attendees will practice the techniques and acquire a strong comfort level performing the thread lift system for the various product options including the technique itself. This course is intensive and designed to thoroughly prepare the practitioner to integrate the techniques into their practice and is required to acquire the product.

The program is designed to enable the practitioner to integrate thread face lifting into their practice immediately upon completion. You will learn the theory involved in the technique, followed by a complete discussion and tutorial on the technique itself including suture options and materials used. Vendors for aesthetics and more specifically for the FDA-Cleared thread lift sutures, will be onsite to answer specific questions concerning the various thread options, their associated costs, as well as other materials and supplies to get you started.

Thread Lift Training on many body areas

Thread Lift Training on many body areas

hands-on training during thread lift training

PDO Thread Lift results similar to face lift

Empire-Wow-Guarantee™- We are so confident that you will thoroughly enjoy our courses that we now offer the only industry-wide, unmatched 100% money back guarantee and travel refund! With over 23 years and 150,000 successful graduates, our record speaks for itself. Read more information about our Empire-Wow-Guarantee™

The didactic presentations: You will receive training in the anatomy covering the entry points, anchoring points, landmarks, danger zones, and relevant structures that will be integral in the technique. You will learn specific protocols and a step-by-step method for the indicated anatomical areas to safely perform this technique.

thread lift training showing additional body areas for treatment


The EZ-Lip Fill, EZ-Neck Mesh, and EZ-Cheek Mesh with PDO smooth (mesh) sutures are 3 effective and simple to learn procedures:

  • Vermillion Border (Lip Definition) Filler: The procedure is very simple and takes less than (5) minutes to place the smooth PDO threads. The results are immediate, and the effects are symmetrical which is important when working on lips. The effects last up to 6 months.

  • Neck Filler – Both smooth & twisted threads are used for this lift: The procedure typically consists of the placement of up to 10 smooth PDO threads for the correction or reduction of skin laxity for the submental region, chin and jaw area, and laxity of the neck. The smooth PDO threads give support and volume to the area that can create smoothing and eliminate contrast across the areas. The procedure takes less than 10 minutes and is not contraindicated with other types of treatments such as botulinum toxin.

  • Cheek Augmentation (Mesh): The procedure consists of creating a matrix under the skin that allows for volume across a larger area such as the cheeks. It requires as many as 10 smooth PDO threads for correction, will give greater support of the checks, and will improve skin texture where the threads are built up under the skin (neo collagen formation). There is also no need for anesthesia for most patients. The smooth PDO threads allow for volume and support of tissues. Besides the facial areas mentioned above, it can be used in body part areas to give support to tissues and volume for areas such as the arms, décolleté, and other small body areas of correction. All attendees will be able to perform these thread lift procedures where indicated using the smooth (mesh) PDO sutures.
Thread lift gives dramatic results to Naso Labial Folds

Thread lift gives dramatic results to Naso Labial Folds

Threads pull skin posteriorly like a Face Lift

Threads pull skin posteriorly like a Face Lift

THREAD LIFT             

A PDO thread lift procedure can help lift the sagging parts of the face to create a more youthful look in your patients. The procedure itself is a nonsurgical technique because there is no incision or traditional cutting of the skin. Tiny entry holes are made into the areas where the invisible threads are inserted. The procedure takes approximately 10-20 minutes depending on how many areas of the face will be treated.
There are a variety of names used to describe the thread procedures, such as the Feather Lift™, Silk Lift™, APTOS™, Contour lift™, and the former Lifestyle™.

There are two different types of threads used for the Thread Face Lift:

  1. Smooth Threads- These threads primarily function by stimulating collagen production.
  2. Barbed Threads (Free Floating Cogged) – This variety of thread does not need to be attached or supported to a separate structure in order to maintain a lift. These threads support themselves. The tiny cogs within the thread actually attach to the skin itself. The number of threads used depends on the area being treated, i.e. full face 18-20 threads, checks 2-3 each.

Types of threads utilized and discussed within the program include:

  • Smooth Threads (Mono)
  • Twisted PDO Threads (Basic, Double, and Screw Super)
  • Volume Threads (Basic and Broom) – Cannula
  • Barb Unidirectional & Bidirectional Threads – Sharp & Cannula Options
  • Barb 3D Threads
  • Barb 4D Threads
  • New Higher Gauge Threads – Cannula Option Extreme Facial and Body Indications


Thread Lifts are used on Arms, legs, abdomen, and many areas

Thread Lifts are used on arms, legs, abdomen, and other areas

Threads are used in many different areas of the face and body

Threads are used in many different areas of the face and body

What areas of the body and face can be treated with PDO Smooth (Mesh) Thread Lift Sutures?

Indications for use:

  • Forehead Lines (vertical/horizontal)
  • Lips (vermillion border and plumping)
  • Flaccid Tissue (eyebrows)
  • Lower Eyelid
  • Cheeks (Skin furrows and wrinkles)
  • Neck Area (Furrows and wrinkles)
  • Nasolabial Folds (smile lines)
  • Corner Commissure (marionette)
  • Jowls (pre jowl sulcus)
  • Cleavage (wrinkles of breast)

Frequently Asked Questions

This training caters to MDs, DOs, DMDs, DDS, NPs, RNs and other licensed healthcare professionals.

A board-certified physician expert will teach this course, with other licensed healthcare professionals assisting where needed.

Certainly! For those outside the United States, injections on anatomical models are an option; however, you will not be allowed to inject on a live patient.

Each state has its own regulations concerning live patient injections. Kindly consult your licensing board to determine if you’re permitted to administer injections.

Volunteers - Training Patients:

There is never a charge to volunteers for receiving Botulinum Toxin-A injections, or any aesthetic treatments during any of the Empire programs.

You are required to bring a volunteer to receive injections. In the event you cannot find a volunteer, we will do our best to pair you with another attendee so you may inject on each other. Please note: we cannot guarantee you a volunteer or model.

neurotoxins training procedure

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Spring Sale—Ends Fri, Mar 28

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Premier Membership™

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Aesthetics & Anti-Aging
$3,499 $4,999

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  • checkmark circle icon green In-Person and Virtual Training
  • checkmark circle icon green Full Certification & Testing
  • checkmark circle icon green Pre-Course Videos and Training Materials
  • checkmark circle icon green Medicines (Free Botox, Dermal Fillers, and PDO Threads, etc.)* ($2,100 Value)
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Platinum Membership™

79.0 Category 1 CME
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18+ Courses

Aesthetics & Anti-Aging
$4,999 $6,499

Instant $1,500 OFF

Or 3 Easy Payments of $1,687.00

  • checkmark circle icon green 1-Year Term + 1 Extra Year FREE
  • checkmark circle icon green In-Person and Virtual Training
  • checkmark circle icon green Full Certification & Testing
  • checkmark circle icon green Pre-Course Videos and Training Materials
  • checkmark circle icon green Medicines (Free Botox, Dermal Fillers, and PDO Threads, etc.)* ($2,100 Value)
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Diamond Membership™

86.0 Category 1 CME
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28+ Courses

Aesthetics, Anti-Aging & Pain Management
$6,999 $8,499

Instant $1,500 OFF

Or 3 Easy Payments of $2,353.00

  • checkmark circle icon green 1-Year Term + 1 Extra Year FREE
  • checkmark circle icon green In-Person and Virtual Training
  • checkmark circle icon green Full Certification & Testing
  • checkmark circle icon green Pre-Course Videos and Training Materials
  • checkmark circle icon green Medicines (Free Botox, Dermal Fillers, and PDO Threads, etc.)* ($2,100 Value)
Expand Benefits

Pre-Requisites for training

In order to maximize the benefits of this training and to ensure you are thoroughly trained, PDO Barbed Surgical Thread Lift training requires prior experience with the procedure. The requirements to attend the training are as follows:

  • Must have completed training in Botox and Fillers injectable training with Empire (or equivalent)
  • Must have a minimum of 6 months experience in performing Aesthetics AND injectable procedures such as Botox and Fillers
  • Must be a physician or Nurse practitioner, or PA (under supervision of physician who is also attending program)
  • Must bring your own model to receive the procedure and model must be medically cleared by yourself or another physician
  • Notice to all participants: Empire has trained over 100,000 health care professionals, safely and effectively over the past 21 years. This is due in part to our strict guidelines and protocols regarding hands-on training.

Course Completion/ Certification: Upon successful completion of the program, you will receive a completion certificate and procedure certification. Attendees may pursue an additional board certification through the American Academy of Procedural Medicine if desired. To contact the AAOPM for additional information, call 888-998-1297.

thread lift placement techniques for face and body

PDO Thread Lift Training I & II - Agenda

8:00am–9:00am Speaker Introduction, Review pre-requisite video for PDO Thread Lift Placement. Overview of procedures to be performed during the hands-on session. Questions & Answers.

Hands‐On Sessions. Supervised Hands-On Training for attendees on volunteer patients utilizing smooth (mono) PDO threads utilizing the various types of PDO (mono) sutures for a variety of facial and possible body indications (dependent on volunteer indications for treatment).

12:00pm-1:00pm Lunch

Hands‐On Sessions. Supervised Hands-On Training for attendees on volunteer patients utilizing barbed PDO sutures utilizing the various types of PDO (barbed) sutures for a variety of facial and possible body indications (dependent on volunteer indications for treatment and instructor approval).

DISCLAIMER: Agenda listed above is for reference only and may be subject to change. The final agenda will be emailed to you a few days prior to your course. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact our office at 866-333-6747.

All COVID-19 precautions in accordance with updated CDC Guidelines as well as adherence to the safety policies of Empire Medical Training is a requirement for the hands-on training. Patients or Volunteers utilized during the hands-on session are required to fill out and agree to the policies before the session as well as adhere to the CDC Guidelines in place.

PRE-REQUISITE – Instructional Materials

As part of our ongoing efforts to provide the best training available including the safety of all participants for the PDO Thread Lift Training (Module 1 & II), Empire Medical Training is requiring all registered attendees to view the video educational videos prior to their attendance. The successful completion of our video-on-demand or virtual training is a requirement to participate in the hands-on element for certification. Empire is also offering a number of other videos such as procedure videos, advanced injection demonstrations, and other educational videos as part of your learning experience. All participants will also receive access to our library of educational materials concerning the PDO Thread Lift Procedures which is also recommended prior to the clinical portion of your training.

Empire further recommends to download the color manual prior to viewing the pre-requisite video which includes the following topics discussed:

Patient Consultation Process

Facial Anatomy:

Established protocols, understanding the medical model, safety techniques, and indications for treatment for the following areas:

3-Pack Aesthetic Starter Kit

Included with New Memberships During Today’s Sale Only ($597 Value)


Pricing & Packaging Aesthetics


Don’t know how to price your cosmetic procedures? Discover this essential guide to pricing and packaging all your Aesthetics services.


Front Office Fundamentals


Explore our receptionist training guide with tips and working methods to help you drive sales, upsell your products, and provide your customers with the best customer service focused on relationship building.


Consent Forms and Documents


Securing consent forms for your aesthetics practice can be time-consuming. We’ve compiled a document providing the essential tools, clinical policies, and definitions needed for a successful practice.

This is a must for any Aesthetic Practice, particularly newer practices just starting out. Empire Medical Training has developed this comprehensive Aesthetic Starter Kit after training physicians for over 25 years, working with start-up practices, and consulting with established practices in Aesthetics.

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Empire WOW Guarantee™: Tuition Refund and Price Match Assurance

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Empire WOW Refund Guarantee™
If our course isn't the best you've ever attended, we'll refund your tuition*.
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Empire WOW Price Guarantee™
If you find a similar course at a lower price, we'll match it—guaranteed*.
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Empire WOW Satisfaction Guarantee™
If you feel you didn’t receive enough hands-on experience, we’ll let you retake the course at no additional charge*.

*Restrictions Apply.

Certified Plaque Empire

Board Certification Pathways

The American Academy of Procedural Medicine offers Board Certification Pathways for Physicians in Aesthetics, Anti-Aging, and Pain Management. Call today to find out how to get your Certification Plaque FREE.

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