Can I become Botox Certified if I am NOT a Physician?
Dr. Stephen Cosentino
PRESIDENT OF EMPIRE MEDICAL TRAINING The answer is Yes and NO. Some Non Physicians may become certified to perform Botox injections; however, this is dependent on their medical degree and the state the procedure is being performed. Here are some general guidelines for Non Physicians getting certified in Botox. Nurses (RNs) will always require the supervision of a physician and may perform Botox injections and become certified to perform Botox injections in most states, but not all. Nurse Practitioners who have the authority to prescribe may also purchase Botox, which is a controlled substance, and also perform Botox injections. This is true in most states; however, it is prudent for the medical professional to confirm this with their local state medical board. Physician Assistants (PAs) are usually able to inject with the supervision of a physician, but with some restrictions as to their ability to acquire, dispense, and administer the medicine. Please click on the following regulations concerning mid-level providers by state for scheduled prescription medications.