Every smoker knows that the habit is unhealthy, but nicotine is a drug and cigarettes are addictive. Quitting is easier said than done, particularly when you consider that around 90 percent of smokers who quit eventually take up the habit again. The choice to quit is a brave, health-conscious decision, so it's up to you to help your clients secure their place in the 10 percent of smokers who stop for good.
Recommend a Healthy Diet and Exercise Program
A healthy diet is helpful during the long journey to quit smoking. The right foods can cut cravings; plus, it's essential to have healthy snacks on hand to compensate for the desire to smoke. An exercise program is necessary to improve lung function and to combat the physical symptoms of withdrawal, which include sore muscles, achy joints, and lethargy. Your certification from Empire Medical includes the knowledge you need to make informed recommendations about diet, exercise, and herbal remedies.
Trace Your Client's Tobacco Use
Ask your clients questions. Get personal. Also called motivational interviewing, this technique involves asking smokers when and why they picked up the habit. There are often psychological reasons behind the decision to start smoking, although other factors play a part, such as environment. For example, children of smokers are more likely to take up smoking and are generally younger when they start.
Get Trained in Acupoint Therapy
Low-Level Laser Acupoint Therapy for Smoking Cessation is a non-invasive and drug-free treatment that you can use to help reduce stress and cravings that accompany cessation from smoking. It does this by stimulating the pleasure centers of the brain to release serotonin, dopamine, and endorphins. It's a great therapy to accompany counseling and nutritional guidance.
Let your clients know that you're behind them with full faith in their abilities to quit smoking. Sign up for a training today to learn how to use Low-Level Laser Acupoint Therapy in your practice.
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