Laser Hair Removal Training – What and Where

By Dr. Stephen Cosentino
Your aesthetic practice’s clients expect more than the usual menu of cosmetic treatments. Botox, dermal fillers, and chemical skin peels will always be in high demand, but a truly full-service practice should offer more.
Like laser hair removal, an outpatient procedure for patients seeking permanent solutions to unwanted facial or body hair. Offer this increasingly popular skincare regimen to help your practice stand out — deepening its relationship with existing patients and attracting new ones who can’t find the same level of care anywhere else.
You’ll need to develop a reputation as a leading laser hair removal practitioner, of course. Which means enrolling in a leading laser hair removal training and certification course and becoming a certified laser hair removal provider.
What Is Laser Hair Removal Training?
Laser hair removal training courses provide a mixture of classroom and hands-on instruction for aestheticians and cosmetic medical professionals. They provide detailed guidance on using intense pulsed light to reduce body hair virtually anywhere on the body, including:
- The face and neck
- The upper and lower arms
- The chest and underarms
- The back and buttocks
- The abdomen and bikini area
- The upper and lower legs
Laser hair removal training should cover other indications for laser treatments as well, including scar revision, tattoo removal, acne management, and body contouring. And it should provide detailed instruction around pre- and post-procedure considerations, such as:
- Patient intake and medical questionnaires
- Equipment sterilization and general sanitation
- Skin typing and site preparation
- Post-procedure instructions for patients
- Potential side effects and complications
Comprehensive laser hair removal training courses also provide supplemental materials for participants’ review. These may include but aren’t limited to:
- Skin structure (skin layers)
- Hair growth phases
- Medical conditions associated with hair growth on the body and face
- The science behind laser hair treatments
- Pre- and post-treatment care
- Complementary treatments, such as electrolysis
- Procedural safety, including burn prevention
- HIPAA and other legal considerations
- Basic business concepts, including marketing, insurance, and practice ethics
Following successful completion of training, participants should receive official Laser Safety Officer certification.
Where to Find Laser Hair Removal Training
You can find laser hair removal courses all over the world, but not all are the same. Your patients deserve the very best instruction available — and your practice will be stronger for it.
Look for certified laser hair removal programs that provide at least 40 hours of CEU credit (Continuing Education Unit credits) for participating laser hair removal technicians. These programs should cover the full range of laser hair removal treatments in use today and offer hands-on training for all participants. They should provide certification upon successful completion.
Consider Empire Medical Training’s cosmetic laser training course, a two-day seminar that provides participants with theoretical and practical training from top-tier manufacturers and practitioners.
EMT’s laser training covers a growing number of cosmetic laser and laser IPL hair removal procedures with a focus on advanced techniques and patient safety. And with workshops available across the country and online, providers can easily find a time and place to train that works for them.