Managing Botox Complications: Tips and Strategies for Healthcare Professionals
By Dr. Stephen Cosentino
PRESIDENT OF EMPIRE MEDICAL TRAININGBotox injections help improve physical appearance and provide effective treatment for overactive bladder, eye problems, migraines and hyperhidrosis. Because Botox injections are some of the first aesthetic procedures practitioners learn while expanding their services, it's essential to know how to identify and address complications should they arise. By learning how to manage Botox side effects, you'll improve your technique and boost your self-confidence as an aesthetic practitioner.
Drooping Eyelids
Although rare, eyelid ptosis can occur after Botox injections. This condition occurs when Botox spreads beyond the injection site and causes temporary paralysis of the levator palpebrae superioris muscle. Eyelid ptosis may not occur immediately after injection, and most people who experience this complication may not develop it until two to ten days post-procedure. Patients may report difficulty fully opening their eyes and heaviness in the upper eyelid. Asymmetry of the eyes is also a sign of eyelid ptosis.
Eyelid ptosis may last up to four weeks. Patient reassurance is key, as imperfections in physical appearance can affect a person psychologically and socially. Although there is no way to remove the botulinum toxin that is already administered, effective treatment is available in the form of α-adrenergic eye drops. These eye drops temporarily lift the eyelid by contracting the upper portion of the tarsal muscle. Most cases of eyelid ptosis are due to practitioner inexperience.
Asymmetry that occurs after Botox injections is often caused by inconsistent distribution of the botulinum toxin within the treated area. Some asymmetry cases are due to the patient having more active muscles on one side of their face. For this reason, it is essential to thoroughly examine the patient's facial structure when planning your appropriate course of treatment.
Asymmetry is corrected by injecting additional Botox into the area or in a different location to even out the patient's appearance. In some cases, asymmetry may resolve on its own after a few weeks as the Botox settles into position. Patients experiencing asymmetry that does not improve after two weeks should return to the clinic for an assessment. Because a significant cause of asymmetry is improper injection technique, learning best practices through Botox and filler training is crucial for practitioners interested in opening a Botox clinic.
A common complication associated with upper-face Botox injections is headaches. They often start the morning after treatment and usually resolve after a few days. Over-the-counter pain relievers like acetaminophen are the best course of action for headache-related complications from Botox. While ibuprofen is also effective, it increases the risk of bruising, so it's best to avoid taking it right after receiving treatment.
If the patient exhibits symptoms in addition to their headaches and the headaches aren't improving, further testing may be necessary to rule out other diagnoses. It is worth noting that some people who are prone to headaches discover that their symptoms significantly resolve after Botox treatment. However, this tends to be the exception rather than the rule.
Additional Guidance on Botox Administration
Whether you are just starting to offer Botox services to your clients or are well-established in the field, scheduling in-review appointments at least two weeks after Botox administration is imperative. Waiting two to four weeks gives the toxin enough time to settle into place so you can adequately assess whether follow-up treatments are necessary. In-review appointments can also help you gain valuable insight to finesse your techniques.
Before scheduling a review, ensure your patients understand that a review is not a "top-up." Additional fillers are unnecessary in many situations, although some patients may benefit from an adjustment to achieve their desired results. However, keep in mind that while you can add more filler, you can't remove it. When scheduling your follow-up appointment, you must emphasize this point with your clients to manage their expectations.
Ultimately, the most effective way to manage Botox complications is to prevent them from occurring in the first place. By familiarizing yourself with facial anatomy and best practices for injections through Botox and filler training, you can avoid many complications from the start. Receiving advanced training before opening your Botox clinic will prepare you to provide patients with high-quality care while increasing their satisfaction and boosting your reputation. Enrolling in a comprehensive Botox training program from Empire Medical Training can provide you with the necessary knowledge to tailor your treatments and adjust your techniques, ensuring the best possible results.