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OFFER ENDS Fri, Mar 28








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Empire has trained over 100,000 health care professionals, safely and effectively over the past 20 years. Empire maintains very strict guidelines and protocols for our hands-on training. Empire also follows criteria in regards to who may perform any medical procedure during the training. Empire requires that all participants provide a copy of their current medical license (MD, DO, DDS, DMD, RN, NP, PA), along with a copy of a current driver’s license or other legal form of Identification to our staff PRIOR to participation.

Empire offers training on volunteer patients (typically other physicians and professionals involved in the workshops. There is no cost to these individuals) as well as custom simulated models for unlicensed professionals and others. This latter option is a significant convenience for those who are not yet licensed in the US but may still acquire the necessary training.

Depending on the specific workshop, training is provided by either highly qualified physicians or other expert trainers on a given topic, however, all training is supervised by licensed, qualified Physicians at ALL times. Our objective is to not only provide the highest level of education but also to uphold protocols that will ultimately ensure the safety of all those participating. The training provided by Empire is maintained under a controlled and very strict environment and participants who cannot follow protocol or deviate from predetermined guidelines will not be permitted to participate in the program. By participating in an Empire event, you agree to follow the supervision and direction of the Physician instructor at all times during the training.

During all programs, the instructor will have the final authority on deciding whether an attendee may perform a procedure on a patient. Their decision will be based on many factors, including but not limited to, patient safety, participant safety, attendee licensure or lack thereof, legal guidelines, and attendee competence as evaluated by the instructor. If the instructor believes the attendee has not demonstrated sufficient skills while practicing on training models (inanimate), the instructor will offer additional training to the attendee AT NO ADDITIONAL CHARGE TO THE ATTENDEE. The additional training may be in the form of a repeat seminar OR a One On One preceptorship with a Physician instructor at Empire’s Centers of Excellence*. This latter option is an integral part of Empire Medical Training’s Wow Refund Policy . *Reduced fee for Thread Lift Training (speak with an Empire representative for details)

Ultimately, it is your responsibility to understand and adhere to the laws of your individual state regarding licensure, regulations as far as what qualifications are needed to perform a procedure in the state, and any other laws specific to your state. Prior to the hands on portion of the training, all participants are provided consent forms, disclosure forms, and documentation that asks about licensure and qualifications. Any misrepresentation of this information to Empire may be regarded as a felony so we encourage you to be mindful of this documentation.